Pour chaque « insurgé »(résistant)Afghan tué,ce sont dix civils qui meurent .Voila la triste réalité de ce conflit incroyablement inutile.


C’est un think tank Américain qui le dit,et ce ne sont pas des baba cool les gens du Brookings.

« Killing terrorist leaders is difficult, is often ineffective, and can easily backfire. Yet it is one of the United States’ few options for managing the threat posed by al Qaeda from its base in tribal Pakistan. By some accounts, U.S. drone activity in Pakistan has killed dozens of lower-ranking and at least 10 mid- and high-ranking leaders from al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Critics correctly find many problems with this program, most of all the number of civilian casualties the strikes have incurred. Sourcing on civilian deaths is weak and the numbers are often exaggerated, but more than 600 civilians are likely to have died from the attacks. That number suggests that for every militant killed, 10 or so civilians also died. »


Des gens comme  vous et moi,nos parents,ou nos amis meurent chaque jours,et cela en notre nom et notre système.

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  1. Afghanistan : un diplomate américain claque la porte par opposition à la guerre. « SHOAH PLANETAIRE Says:

    […] Il ne faut pas oublier que au minimum, à chaque fois qu’un ” taliban ” est tué, ce sont 10 civils qui […]

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